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14.0" 40Pin(Slim) 1920x1080 R140NWF5 RA LCD Matte Touch Panel FHD (Without Screw Holes), Compatible Model: R140NWF5 RC, B140HAK0

FJ $225.38 excl. VAT

14.0" 40Pin(Slim) 1920x1080 R140NWF5 RA LCD Matte Touch Panel FHD (Without Screw Holes), Compatible Model: R140NWF5 RC, B140HAK03.2, B140HAN05.7, LPM140M420, N140HCA-EA1 Rev.C1

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Laptop Displays


Compatible Screen Product Numbers:
B140HAK03.2, R140NWF5 RC HW:1.1, R140NWF5 RC FW:0.0,
B140HAK03.2 / 01YN150 / SD10Q66941,
B140HAN05.7 / 01YN154 / SD10Q66949,
Comaptible Laptop Model Numbers: (Please "Ctrl+F" search your laptop model)
For Lenovo 5D10T36865 / R140NWF5 RC2.1:
81MQ001DAU - Notebook LN 14w Windows A6 4G 128G 10P - 81MQ001DAU (81MQ-001DAU) 81MQ001KAU - Notebook LN 14w Windows A6 8G 256G 10H - 81MQ001KAU (81MQ-001KAU) 81MQ008DAU - 14W Laptop (Lenovo) - Type 81MQ - Model 81MQ008DAU - 81MQ008DAU (81MQ-008DAU)
For Lenovo B140HAK03.2 / 01YN150 / SD10Q66941:
20N2CTO1WWNotebook ThinkPad T490 Drift 20N2CTO1WW - 20N2CTO1WW (20N2-CTO1WW) 20N3S3WV29T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S3WV29 - 20N3S3WV29 (20N3-S3WV29) 20NJCTO1WWT495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NJ - 20NJCTO1WW (20NJ-CTO1WW) 20NXCTO1WWNotebook ThinkPad T490s 20NXCTO1WW Tx - 20NXCTO1WW (20NX-CTO1WW) 20RHCTO1WWP43s (Type 20RH, 20RJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RH - 20RHCTO1WW - 20RHCTO1WW (20RH-CTO1WW) 20RYCTO1WWT490 (Type 20RY, 20RX) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RY - 20RYCTO1WW - 20RYCTO1WW (20RY-CTO1WW) 20UD000RAUT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD- 20UD000RAU (20UD-000RAU) 20UD000SAUT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD- 20UD000SAU (20UD-000SAU) 20UD000TAUT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD- 20UD000TAU (20UD-000TAU) 20UD000UAUT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD- 20UD000UAU (20UD-000UAU) 20UD000WAUT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD- 20UD000WAU (20UD-000WAU) 20UD004JAUT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD- 20UD004JAU (20UD-004JAU) 20UD004NAUT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD- 20UD004NAU (20UD-004NAU) 20UD004QAUT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD- 20UD004QAU (20UD-004QAU) 20UD004SAUT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD- 20UD004SAU (20UD-004SAU) 20UDCTO1WWT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD - 20UDCTO1WW - 20UDCTO1WW (20UD-CTO1WW) 20UDS0G100T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD- 20UDS0G100 (20UD-S0G100) 20UES08Q0AT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES08Q0A (20UE-S08Q0A) 20UES08Q0BNB TP T14 AMD G1 R5_PRO 16G 256G 10P - 20UES08Q0B (20UE-S08Q0B) 20UES0S82ST14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES0S82S (20UE-S0S82S) 20UES0S90DT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES0S90D (20UE-S0S90D) 20UES1DK01NB TP T14 AMD G1 R5_PRO 8G 256G 10P - 20UES1DK01 (20UE-S1DK01) 20UES1HT00T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES1HT00 (20UE-S1HT00) 20UES1SM00T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES1SM00 (20UE-S1SM00) 20UES22P0NNB TP T14 AMD G1 R5_PRO 8G 512G 10P - 20UES22P0N (20UE-S22P0N) 20UES22Q04T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES22Q04 (20UE-S22Q04) 20UES22R0DT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES22R0D (20UE-S22R0D) 20UES2CG04T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES2CG04 (20UE-S2CG04) 20UES2CG13T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES2CG13 (20UE-S2CG13) 20UES2L000T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE - 20UES2L000 (20UE-S2L000) 20UES2PS04T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES2PS04 (20UE-S2PS04) 20UES2XD00T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE - 20UES2XD00 (20UE-S2XD00) 20UES2YS2ET14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES2YS2E (20UE-S2YS2E) 20UES2YS3BT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES2YS3B (20UE-S2YS3B) 20UES38V00T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES38V00 (20UE-S38V00) 20UES3FN0PT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE - 20UES3FN0P (20UE-S3FN0P) 20UES3YY00T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES3YY00 (20UE-S3YY00) 20UES4AQ00T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES4AQ00 (20UE-S4AQ00) 20UES5KK00T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES5KK00 (20UE-S5KK00) 20UES5KL00T14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UE- 20UES5KL00 (20UE-S5KL00) 20UH000TAUT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UH- 20UH000TAU (20UH-000TAU) 20UH000VAUT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UH- 20UH000VAU (20UH-000VAU) 20UH000WAUT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UH- 20UH000WAU (20UH-000WAU) 20UH000YAUT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UH- 20UH000YAU (20UH-000YAU) 20UH0041AUT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UH- 20UH0041AU (20UH-0041AU) 20UHCTO1WWT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UH - 20UHCTO1WW - 20UHCTO1WW (20UH-CTO1WW) 20UHS0BX00T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UH- 20UHS0BX00 (20UH-S0BX00) 20UHS0CM00T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UH- 20UHS0CM00 (20UH-S0CM00) 20UHS0M900T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UH- 20UHS0M900 (20UH-S0M900) 20UHS0MA00T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UH- 20UHS0MA00 (20UH-S0MA00) 20UJ0005AUT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJ0005AU (20UJ-0005AU) 20UJS01R0YT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJS01R0Y (20UJ-S01R0Y) 20UJS01S0MT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJS01S0M (20UJ-S01S0M) 20UJS01T2HNB TP T14s AMD G1 R7_PRO 16G 512G 10P - 20UJS01T2H (20UJ-S01T2H) 20UJS0D200T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJS0D200 (20UJ-S0D200) 20UJS0FW00T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ - 20UJS0FW00 (20UJ-S0FW00) 20UJS0TB00T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJS0TB00 (20UJ-S0TB00) 20UJS12L10T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJS12L10 (20UJ-S12L10) 20UJS1601JT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJS1601J (20UJ-S1601J) 20UJS18B0ENB TP T14s AMD G1 R5_PRO 16G 256G 10P - 20UJS18B0E (20UJ-S18B0E) 20UJS1AH0KT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJS1AH0K (20UJ-S1AH0K) 20UJS1EY00T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ - 20UJS1EY00 (20UJ-S1EY00) 20UJS1EY3TNB TP T14s AMD G1 R5_PRO 16G 256G 10P - 20UJS1EY3T (20UJ-S1EY3T) 20UJS2C000T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJS2C000 (20UJ-S2C000) 20UJS2FQ00NB TP T14s AMD G1 R5_PRO 16G 256G 10P - 20UJS2FQ00 (20UJ-S2FQ00) 20UJS2PQ00NB TP T14s AMD G1 R5_PRO 16G 256G 10P - 20UJS2PQ00 (20UJ-S2PQ00) 20UJS2R800T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJS2R800 (20UJ-S2R800) 20UJS33700T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJS33700 (20UJ-S33700) 20UJS33H00T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ- 20UJS33H00 (20UJ-S33H00) 20Y1001SAUP14s Gen 1 (type 20Y1, 20Y2) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20Y1- 20Y1001SAU (20Y1-001SAU) 20Y1001WAUP14s Gen 1 (type 20Y1, 20Y2) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20Y1- 20Y1001WAU (20Y1-001WAU) 20Y1CTO1WWP14s Gen 1 (type 20Y1, 20Y2) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20Y1 - 20Y1CTO1WW - 20Y1CTO1WW (20Y1-CTO1WW) 20Y1S05300P14s Gen 1 (type 20Y1, 20Y2) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20Y1- 20Y1S05300 (20Y1-S05300) 20Y2S08W00NB WS P14s AMD G1 R7_PRO 16G 512G 10H - 20Y2S08W00 (20Y2-S08W00) 20Y2S0GK00P14s Gen 1 (type 20Y1, 20Y2) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20Y2- 20Y2S0GK00 (20Y2-S0GK00) 20Y2S0H300P14s Gen 1 (type 20Y1, 20Y2) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20Y2- 20Y2S0H300 (20Y2-S0H300)
For Lenovo R140NWF5 RA HW:1.1 FW:0.0 / 01YN152 / SD10Q66945:
20N2A03KAUT490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N2- 20N2A03KAU (20N2-A03KAU) 20N2A03QAUNB TP T490 I7 16G 10P - 20N2A03QAU (20N2-A03QAU) 20N2CTO1WWNotebook ThinkPad T490 Drift 20N2CTO1WW - 20N2CTO1WW (20N2-CTO1WW) 20N2S01D00NoteBook TP T490 I5 8G 10P - 20N2S01D00 (20N2-S01D00) 20N2S03E00NoteBook TP T490 I5 16G 10P - 20N2S03E00 (20N2-S03E00) 20N2S04100NoteBook TP T490 I5 16G 10P - 20N2S04100 (20N2-S04100) 20N2S04300NoteBook TP T490 I5 16G 10P - 20N2S04300 (20N2-S04300) 20N2S04Q00NoteBook TP T490 I7 16G 10P - 20N2S04Q00 (20N2-S04Q00) 20N2S06J00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N2- 20N2S06J00 (20N2-S06J00) 20N2S08400NoteBook TP T490 I7 16G 10P - 20N2S08400 (20N2-S08400) 20N2S0BK00NoteBook TP T490 I5 16G 10P - 20N2S0BK00 (20N2-S0BK00) 20N2S0UE00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N2- 20N2S0UE00 (20N2-S0UE00) 20N2S27000T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N2- 20N2S27000 (20N2-S27000) 20N2S2SW00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N2- 20N2S2SW00 (20N2-S2SW00) 20N3S10000T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S10000 (20N3-S10000) 20N3S1GE00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S1GE00 (20N3-S1GE00) 20N3S1GE29T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S1GE29 (20N3-S1GE29) 20N3S22400T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S22400 (20N3-S22400) 20N3S26F00NoteBook TP T490 I7 40G 10P - 20N3S26F00 (20N3-S26F00) 20N3S3PK00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S3PK00 (20N3-S3PK00) 20N3S3WV29T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S3WV29 - 20N3S3WV29 (20N3-S3WV29) 20N3S49Y01T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S49Y01 (20N3-S49Y01) 20N3S4GC00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S4GC00 (20N3-S4GC00) 20N3S5DU23T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S5DU23 (20N3-S5DU23) 20N3S5JK1GT490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S5JK1G (20N3-S5JK1G) 20N3S5KB10T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S5KB10 (20N3-S5KB10) 20N3S6V201T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S6V201 (20N3-S6V201) 20N3S74315T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S74315 (20N3-S74315) 20N3S74323T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S74323 (20N3-S74323) 20N3S7740MT490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S7740M (20N3-S7740M) 20N3S7742ET490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S7742E (20N3-S7742E) 20N3S7760UT490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S7760U (20N3-S7760U) 20N3S79K00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S79K00 (20N3-S79K00) 20N3S8800LT490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S8800L (20N3-S8800L) 20N3S8801RT490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S8801R (20N3-S8801R) 20N3S8801ZT490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3S8801Z (20N3-S8801Z) 20N3S88025T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S88025 (20N3-S88025) 20N3S8A100T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 20N3S8A100T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S8A100 (20N3-S8A100) 20N3S8HY0NT490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S8HY0N (20N3-S8HY0N) 20N3S92632T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S92632 (20N3-S92632) 20N3S9AW00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S9AW00 (20N3-S9AW00) 20N3S9B101T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S9B101 (20N3-S9B101) 20N3S9KY06T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S9KY06 (20N3-S9KY06) 20N3S9U800T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3S9U800 (20N3-S9U800) 20N3SA8J0RT490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3SA8J0R (20N3-SA8J0R) 20N3SB7800T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3SB7800 (20N3-SB7800) 20N3SCND0AT490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3SCND0A (20N3-SCND0A) 20N3SCQH00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3SCQH00 (20N3-SCQH00) 20N3SDCY00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3SDCY00 (20N3-SDCY00) 20N3SDKT00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3SDKT00 (20N3-SDKT00) 20N3SDRU00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3 - 20N3SDRU00 (20N3-SDRU00) 20N3SF3B00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3SF3B00 (20N3-SF3B00) 20N3SFGB00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3SFGB00 (20N3-SFGB00) 20N3SG7Y00T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20N3- 20N3SG7Y00 (20N3-SG7Y00) 20NJCTO1WWT495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NJ - 20NJCTO1WW (20NJ-CTO1WW) 20NJS02D00T495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NJ - 20NJS02D00 (20NJ-S02D00) 20NJS02H00T495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NJ- 20NJS02H00 (20NJ-S02H00) 20NKS0961RT495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NK- 20NKS0961R (20NK-S0961R) 20NKS0QN15T495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NK- 20NKS0QN15 (20NK-S0QN15) 20NKS10K10T495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NK- 20NKS10K10 (20NK-S10K10) 20NKS1H30HT495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NK- 20NKS1H30H (20NK-S1H30H) 20NKS1M200T495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NK 20NKS1M200T495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NK - 20NKS1M200 (20NK-S1M200) 20NKS1W200T495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NK - 20NKS1W200 (20NK-S1W200) 20NKS1W210T495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NK- 20NKS1W210 (20NK-S1W210) 20NKS1W21AT495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NK- 20NKS1W21A (20NK-S1W21A) 20NKS2P312T495 (Type 20NJ, 20NK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NK- 20NKS2P312 (20NK-S2P312) 20NXA017AUT490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NX- 20NXA017AU (20NX-A017AU) 20NXCTO1WWNotebook ThinkPad T490s 20NXCTO1WW Tx - 20NXCTO1WW (20NX-CTO1WW) 20NXS03G00NoteBook TP T490s I5 16G 10P - 20NXS03G00 (20NX-S03G00) 20NXS03J00NoteBook TP T490s I5 16G 10P - 20NXS03J00 (20NX-S03J00) 20NXS03L00NoteBook TP T490s I7 16G 10P - 20NXS03L00 (20NX-S03L00) 20NXS09D00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NX- 20NXS09D00 (20NX-S09D00) 20NXS09E00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NX- 20NXS09E00 (20NX-S09E00) 20NXS0Q000T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NX- 20NXS0Q000 (20NX-S0Q000) 20NXS0T800T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NX- 20NXS0T800 (20NX-S0T800) 20NXS1PL00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NX- 20NXS1PL00 (20NX-S1PL00) 20NY0015AUT490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NY0015AU (20NY-0015AU) 20NY001FAUT490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NY001FAU (20NY-001FAU) 20NYS00900NoteBook TP T490s I5 16G 10P - 20NYS00900 (20NY-S00900) 20NYS1P600T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY - 20NYS1P600 (20NY-S1P600) 20NYS1R900T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY - 20NYS1R900 (20NY-S1R900) 20NYS1X40ET490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS1X40E (20NY-S1X40E) 20NYS1XK09T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS1XK09 (20NY-S1XK09) 20NYS2LT01T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY - 20NYS2LT01 (20NY-S2LT01) 20NYS34H00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY - 20NYS34H00 (20NY-S34H00) 20NYS3ME00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS3ME00 (20NY-S3ME00) 20NYS3UH04T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY - 20NYS3UH04 (20NY-S3UH04) 20NYS3UH0NT490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS3UH0N (20NY-S3UH0N) 20NYS4CP00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY - 20NYS4CP00 (20NY-S4CP00) 20NYS4HJ0DT490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS4HJ0D (20NY-S4HJ0D) 20NYS4HJ0GT490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS4HJ0G (20NY-S4HJ0G) 20NYS4MK00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS4MK00 (20NY-S4MK00) 20NYS4P901T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS4P901 (20NY-S4P901) 20NYS4VJ0BT490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS4VJ0B (20NY-S4VJ0B) 20NYS5QR00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS5QR00 (20NY-S5QR00) 20NYS5XD00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY - 20NYS5XD00 (20NY-S5XD00) 20NYS6390GT490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS6390G (20NY-S6390G) 20NYS6GQ00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS6GQ00 (20NY-S6GQ00) 20NYS6WV0YT490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS6WV0Y (20NY-S6WV0Y) 20NYS7AT00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS7AT00 (20NY-S7AT00) 20NYS7G300T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS7G300 (20NY-S7G300) 20NYS84U00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS84U00 (20NY-S84U00) 20NYS8E100T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS8E100 (20NY-S8E100) 20NYS8QE0GT490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS8QE0G (20NY-S8QE0G) 20NYS8QE0PT490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS8QE0P (20NY-S8QE0P) 20NYS8S000T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS8S000 (20NY-S8S000) 20NYS8S600T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS8S600 (20NY-S8S600) 20NYS98500T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS98500 (20NY-S98500) 20NYS99H00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS99H00 (20NY-S99H00) 20NYS9RD00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYS9RD00 (20NY-S9RD00) 20NYSA3F00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYSA3F00 (20NY-SA3F00) 20NYSBBU00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYSBBU00 (20NY-SBBU00) 20NYSBXL00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYSBXL00 (20NY-SBXL00) 20NYSC8R00T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYSC8R00 (20NY-SC8R00) 20NYSCQ000T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYSCQ000 (20NY-SCQ000) 20NYSCQY04T490s (Type 20NX, 20NY) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20NY- 20NYSCQY04 (20NY-SCQY04) 20QJCTO1WWT495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QJ - 20QJCTO1WW - 20QJCTO1WW (20QJ-CTO1WW) 20QJS01X00T495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QJ- 20QJS01X00 (20QJ-S01X00) 20QJS02200T495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QJ- 20QJS02200 (20QJ-S02200) 20QJS02600T495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QJ- 20QJS02600 (20QJ-S02600) 20QJS02B00T495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QJ - 20QJS02B00 (20QJ-S02B00) 20QKS0EQ03T495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QK- 20QKS0EQ03 (20QK-S0EQ03) 20QKS0LK00T495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QK- 20QKS0LK00 (20QK-S0LK00) 20QKS15K5DT495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QK- 20QKS15K5D (20QK-S15K5D) 20QKS17Y2CT495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QK- 20QKS17Y2C (20QK-S17Y2C) 20QKS1811HT495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QK- 20QKS1811H (20QK-S1811H) 20QKS1GQ0ET495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QK- 20QKS1GQ0E (20QK-S1GQ0E) 20QKS1J20CT495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QK- 20QKS1J20C (20QK-S1J20C) 20QKS29E0HT495s (Type 20QJ, 20QK) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20QK- 20QKS29E0H (20QK-S29E0H) 20RHCTO1WWP43s (Type 20RH, 20RJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RH - 20RHCTO1WW - 20RHCTO1WW (20RH-CTO1WW) 20RHS02J00P43s (Type 20RH, 20RJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RH- 20RHS02J00 (20RH-S02J00) 20RHS02R00P43s (Type 20RH, 20RJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RH- 20RHS02R00 (20RH-S02R00) 20RHS09B00P43s (Type 20RH, 20RJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RH- 20RHS09B00 (20RH-S09B00) 20RJS0892CP43s (Type 20RH, 20RJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RJ- 20RJS0892C (20RJ-S0892C) 20RJS0BT00P43s (Type 20RH, 20RJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RJ- 20RJS0BT00 (20RJ-S0BT00) 20RJS0PA49P43s (Type 20RH, 20RJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RJ- 20RJS0PA49 (20RJ-S0PA49) 20RJS0PA4BP43s (Type 20RH, 20RJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RJ- 20RJS0PA4B (20RJ-S0PA4B) 20RJS0X307P43s (Type 20RH, 20RJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RJ- 20RJS0X307 (20RJ-S0X307) 20RYCTO1WWT490 (Type 20RY, 20RX) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20RY - 20RYCTO1WW - 20RYCTO1WW (20RY-CTO1WW) 20S00041AUT14 Gen 1 (type 20S0, 20S1) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20S0- 20S00041AU (20S0-0041AU) 20S0CTO1WWT14 Gen 1 (type 20S0, 20S1) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20S0 - 20S0CTO1WW - 20S0CTO1WW (20S0-CTO1WW) 20S1S4AF00T14 Gen 1 (type 20S0, 20S1) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20S1- 20S1S4AF00 (20S1-S4AF00) 20S4CTO1WWP14s Gen 1 (type 20S4, 20S5) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20S4 - 20S4CTO1WW - 20S4CTO1WW (20S4-CTO1WW) 20T0CTO1WWT14s (Type 20T0, 20T1) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20T0 - 20T0CTO1WW - 20T0CTO1WW (20T0-CTO1WW) 20T1S0TC11T14s (Type 20T0, 20T1) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20T1- 20T1S0TC11 (20T1-S0TC11) 20T1S9A300T14s (Type 20T0, 20T1) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20T1- 20T1S9A300 (20T1-S9A300) 20UDCTO1WWT14 Gen 1 (type 20UD, 20UE) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UD - 20UDCTO1WW - 20UDCTO1WW (20UD-CTO1WW) 20UHCTO1WWT14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UH - 20UHCTO1WW - 20UHCTO1WW (20UH-CTO1WW) 20UJS0FW00T14s (Type 20UH, 20UJ) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20UJ - 20UJS0FW00 (20UJ-S0FW00) 20Y1CTO1WWP14s Gen 1 (type 20Y1, 20Y2) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20Y1 - 20Y1CTO1WW - 20Y1CTO1WW (20Y1-CTO1WW)
For Acer:
Acer Swift SF514-54T(Touch Screen Version) Acer Swift SF514-52(Touch Screen Version) Acer SF514-54T Acer Swift 5 Pro SF514 Acer Swift 5 Pro sf514-54t-70he ACER SPIN 5 SF514-54 N19H3 Acer swift 5 2020 (sf514-54t-74j4) Acer SF514-54T Acer Swift 5 Pro SF514 Acer Swift 5 Pro sf514-54t-70he ACER SPIN 5 SF514-54 N19H3 Acer sf514-54t-76py Acer sf514 Acer Swift 5 SF514 N19H3SF514-54T-76PY-US W10HGML64SF6T/I7-1065G7/BT5/8G/512GB PCI NVME/4L3.22/14.0/TOUCH PART:KL.14005.050 KL.14005.050 LCD LED PANEL AUO 14 FHD NONE GLARE B140HAK02.5 H/W 1A LF 300NIT 25MS 800:1 (EDP1.2 / IPS / OTP LITE / NARROWBORDER) SF514-54T-76PY-US W10HGML64SF6T/I7-1065G7/BT5/8G/512GB PCI NVME/4L3.22/14.0/TOUCH

Product No.

Manufacturer Part No:


Product Type:


Product Family:

14.0" 40Pin(Slim)
Shipping Weight:

0.5 kg
PB Part No:

Product Model:


12 months *
* Warranty period is as stated above unless the manufacturer has chosen to specify a longer period.
All warranties are return to base unless otherwise specified.


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